Highland Square

Home Owner's Association.

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Meeting Notes

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Meeting start: 6:05pm

41 units

Hire maintence person that is on site. Do something with basketball court. Insurance was canceled with State Farm. $21,341 repair costs this year. Temp board rep must be elected. Next meeting 15 December to elect board. Electronic payment methods for dues. Powerwash and paint basketball court. Transparency in all HOA income and expenditure. Make sure renters are not paying dues. Only home owners. Consult attorney to see is small claims court or placing a lien is best for collecting on HOA fee debt. In past, people behind on dues could not use pool. Consider reinstating. Should be aware if renters or owners are in units updated. Update list regularly.

Elected temp board rep (Tashema Dorsey) Set next meeting on the 15th (time to be decided) Continue payments as usual to Sepulvado until informed in writing to do otherwise.

Meeting ended: 7:13

Meeting start: 6:10

Allow voting by email. Have zoom available at 6pm on the 17th to catch additional participants. President nominee : Tashema Dorsey Vice-President or Treasurer : Michael Ebey Once board formed capture HOA financial status and secure Insurnance company for general liability. Write in option to vote email to accommodate for those not present. Emails will have to opened at a meeting to guarantee integrity.

Send out email to capture votes Obtain at least 10 votes to make election legal according to bylaws.

Meeting ended 6:56pm

Meeting start: 6:23pm

Resolve drain issue 727 (safety) Votes for President 12 Tashema Votes for Vice President 12 Mike Votes for treasurer Mike 12 Tashema 1 Votes for secretary: Chris Noble 1 Elizabeth Tumlin 1 Deandra Malone 1 (don’t vote for me[withdrew]) Runoff election for secretary Go to Facebook page and comment under live video post to support new secretary

President elected Tashema Vice President and treasurer elected Mike Chris Noble selected for Secretary via yay/nay verbal vote reinforced via Facebook comments

Meeting ended 7:09

Started: 12:30pm

Follow up on current liens against delinquent members Explore additional Liens against additional delinquent members Explore vendor to fix and maintain pool Property line GPS’d Explore claims by swimming pool company claiming unpaid invoices Basket ball court on the to-do list(power wash at a minimum) Explore donation of unit 716 as an office for Highland HOA Basket ball court electrical concerns Digital keypad for pool Read receipt for all financial emails Take glamor shots of properties for Facebook and website

Migrated bank account Work with Regions Bank to get access to online payment gateway Get prices on Regions online web hosting Scope out mail box and come up with a plan (Vice President) Get quotes to replace Stucco wall that is failing Get quotes to clean stucco exterior on all units. The exterior cleaning will have to be done is phases. Too expensive to do everything at once. Go to post office and claim all certified mail Contract insurance company Get quote for new lawn service Compose letter for those members that are behind on dues explaining next steps Collect list and verify owner information for all units (Secretary) Contact Sepulvado and explain new account information

Charter renewed Taxes paid

Next meeting at 1/23/20 11am at the Rhino

Meeting ended: 1:50pm>

Started: 11:15

Purge at 90 days for owners on Facebook no longer attached to property Waiting for free to be removed to proceed on fence. Waiting on response from insurance group. Send message to all current owners to redirect payments to 733 address and Facebook (Facebook integration with regions bank coming soon). Compose schedule for quarterly meetings at Trinity Church. No fees associated with venue. Keep master list of Liens and status of HOA fees owed. (Secretary) Compose message to delinquent HOA accounts. Follow by-laws in messaging.

09/25/21 3pm (block party discussion) 12/25/21 (Christmas no meeting) 01/22/21 3pm Address wood gate on pool area. Continue working toward pool repairs. Temp container okay to clean pool area. Okay to drain pool Purchase power washer Settle up outstanding accounts with HOA with proof of service with vendors Address sheet metal issue around basket ball court drainage Keep up with HOA shortfall by owner Get with landscapers to clear tree line in prep for fence replacement. Get with neighbors prior to having fence removed and replaced. Get quotes on carport repair Prioritize repairs Pool day 01/31/21 (Vice President) work on repair list. Research maintenance contractor.

Accept insurance quote

Sepulvado not answering phone. Extremely difficult.

Grate repaired Unit 727 New Mailbox installed 733 List of owners compiled Gave okay for insurance Gave okay for online payment setup Quarterly meeting schedule made Checks were reissued

Meeting ended: 12:55pm

Started: 11:20am

Lawn Care yearly $10,629 Clear all growth and overgrown foliage on fence line $2,240 Cleaning of drains and water flow areas $1,765 Replace exterior fencing $79,000 Repair pool pump house (pending) Repair pool restrooms (pending) Repair pool retaining wall (pending) Repair electrical systems pool area (pending) Clean pool and replace necessary components (pending) Contract company when pool fully operational (pending)

Update liens on properties behind on HOA fees 779 fence repair 736 gate repair 752 fence repair Research 501c status for HOA (attorney question) Liability property responsibilities (attorney question) Digitize bylaws and post on FB page Collect remainder of materials from consulting group Get with bank on why paper checks are not going through Follow up with lawn care about February payment Get quotes for digital access locks for pool Come up with cash flow analysis create a report (Vice President) Add online payment link to Facebook page in the information area. Resurface the basketball court

Website 20% complete (coding) Lawn care team now has access to pool area Online payment portal up and running

Keep current lawn care for current year. $75 retainer clerical and notary services monthly $50 monthly fee for online payment portal 3% convenience fee for online payments (this fee goes to bank services not the HOA)

Some property owners not responding to requests for information regarding HOA fee deficits.

Meeting Ended: 1pm

Started: 11:13am

Forgiveness initiative-
For accounts behind on HOA Fees we will settle for 80% of back owed or credit 5 months worth of payments for each bulk payment of 4 months past owed. Minimum $340 (includes late fees) payment.
Research judgements against those past due beyond certain threshold. These will be permanent and will follow owner until resolved via bankruptcy or recovery.

Current bills:
Electric - Varies
Lawn Service - $889
Water - Varies
Online Banking - $50
Insurance - Pending Review
Notary/Booking - $75
Update Swepco with new banking information Update City of Shreveport with new banking information. Get all exterior walls on units inspected to verify integrity. Use information from inspection to repair as necessary. Prepare paperwork for insurance company (Secretary)

Community Building Events (ideas):
Best front yard
National Night Out
Garage Sale
Include homestead exemption information with updated bylaws paperwork. Buy power washer $500 budget. Gas motor. Interchangeable tips. Spinning tip. Higher pressure. Begin cleaning units as availability allows. Will use unit’s water supply.

Updated and reviewed current past accounts.

Decisions: New owners will not be held accountable for previous owners debt UNLESS there is a lien on the property that was not resolved during the purchase process. Secretary will be given a mailbox key. Send out intent to file liens before filing. Send information to occupants and owners. Get a comprehensive list off all amendments added by previous board and update a master copy. Compile a digital version to keep and maintain online at the HOA website. File affidavit for DBA Highland Square (Secretary) Update contact information for units (Secretary) Cancel 13th board meeting. Quarterly meeting is unaffected.


Meeting ended: 2pm.

Started: 3:30pm

Research new lawn service Clear all gutters, drains, ditches, piles of leaves etc. Fence damaged/stucco 709 homeowner states critical and about to fall Every owner gets a bylaw binder with slip covers provided by HOA Dues must be paid whether you receive a bill or not we are working on simplifying process Trash on roadways Old Mooringsport/Swim Club Shannon repair damage on swim club fence area as discussed in meeting 769 walk area must be cleared Get with lawn care about cutting down residents flowers

Old meetings items read and approved Current status of finances read and explained

Get phone number for Shannon Send out liens to those behind Reserve right to seek judgments against those we deem necessary Replace lawn service

Currently over $55,000 in past due HOA fees

Meeting Ended 4:52pm.

Meeting Start: 10:15am

Load meetings onto website Pick up stucco repair to prep areas for power washing Hedges were not included in lawn contract. Will seek to add service if charges reasonable. Purchase chain saw to maintain tree line on fence row.

Liens signed today will be filed by 5/28/21 Next meeting 06/26/21 Change name on unit 757 (if not already done) Send copy of contract to Secretary as discussed Contact a vendor to replace fence on until 709 (5/28/21 target date for contract) Catch up past due account with Blue Haven (approx $900) Check with insurance company for signage and other requirements for operating pool area.

Damaged fencing repaired from vehicle impact

Pool construction progressing Restrooms will not have hot water (we would have to purchase a hot water heater) Damages repaired for fallen tree. Gate repaired for unit 736 Summer yard decoration yard contest coming soon. Cleared walkway behind 769 and rest of building

Meeting ended: 11:22am.

Meeting ended: 11:22am

HOA Meeting 06/26/2021
Meeting Start 3:11pm

Strongly suggest members sign up for auto pay for HOA fees (Contact Chris)
Follow website link on the Facebook group page to keep up with events and make payments.
A power washer has been purchased. You may schedule time to use it if you wish. There is no rental fee. This will only be available to those properties that are current on HOA fees. We only ask you take very good care of it. (It was expensive)
Prize for yard contest given.(Spring)
Prize for yard contest named. (Summer)
Gift being manufactured.

Recovered $3,000 in past due HOA fees.
New Lawn service backed up with bad weather. Will be adding hedge service in coming months.
Saved $1000 per year with new vendor.
Insurance rates adjusted. Contract now in effect. Liability. $2550 per year.
$4605 spent on repairs so far.
Water bill about $336 per year.
Expenses so far this year over $18,000.
Saving $2,100 per year on bookkeeping and professional services with new service.

Catch up account Blue Haven ($900) carry forward.
Check with insurance company for pool specific regulations. carry forward
Recover water bill for broken pipe when Shannon delivers note stating repairs completed.
Digitize by-laws and load up to the website.
Fall garage sell info coming soon.
Next meeting: September 25th 3pm

Member Questions:
Is the lawn team on a set schedule? Not at this time. Calendar coming when the vendor gives us one.
Did the liens on homes filed cover legacy members who are past due? All members who have exceeded the threshold were placed under a lien.
If a unit is being rented, who is responsible for upkeep of the property? The landlord would be the responsible party. Wooden fence near mooringsport road has boards that need repair. Can we get that fixed? Yes! We will contact our fence vendor and get the ball rolling on that.
The no parking sign has fallen down. Can we get it fixed? Yes! We will see if it is a simple fix or needs a vendor to repair.
Can we prevent people from parking on the street? No. Unless it is causing traffic flow problems or blocking driveways we do not see a problem with street parking.

Meeting Ended: 3:56pm

HOA Meeting 10/15/22 Start 10:15am

Fix unit 748 carport roof.
Change quarterly meeting to 4pm 10/22 due to scheduling conflicts

See about bundling repairs to get a larger company to take on.

Getting quote to repaint the units.

Next meeeting: TBD

Meeting ended 11:45am

HOA Meeting 10/22/21
Meeting start 10:00am

Dispense additional $1500 for pool repair

Check given to VP to give to Shannon

Paid bookkeeping services via check

Fall clean up

City of Shreveport was supposed to come pick up yard debris October 7th. They are behind and short on drivers. Pickup is still pending.

Decide on a fall clean up date and order an open top dumpster to place all trash and random debris (small tree limbs, piles of leaves, etc) into container for pickup.

Would like to kill the payment portal. We aren’t seeing enough usage.

Decide on alternative digital payment option.

Facebook poll to help decide?

Next year’s quarterly meetings:
January 22nd Trinity Heights Church 3pm
(Elections will occur for board members)
April 23rd Trinity Heights Church 3pm
July 30th Trinity Heights Church 3pm
October 22nd Trinity Heights Church 3pm
January 14th Trinity Heights Church

Email blast owners to vote for new board members before meeting. Include option to self nominate.

Fall Yard Sale:
November 6th
Collect two long tables. VP help Chris get them.
Dollar tree Signs
Advertise it (Facebook, Craig’s list, market place)
Set up on basket ball court
Two day sale or one day?
Hours - 7am to 1pm

No official plans.

Get letter from Shannon verifying water leak repaired for water bill reimbursement.

Meeting ended 11:45pm

Meeting 1/08/22
Meeting start 11:00 am

Drop converge over accounting impasse
Get estimate from independent contractor to finish work.
Cut branches down covering basketball court and also the place where low hanging foliage is in the turn. Mooring sport road entrance needs to be cleared.
Purchase pole based cutting tool if needed. Expense approved.
Send 1099-NEC info request to Chris.

Update water billing
Update swepco account information
Follow up with back yard issues with member
Address fencing around property

Meeting ended: 1:00 pm

Meeting started 12:15pm

Have webmaster update payment tab with PayPal info.
Update Facebook with PayPal post(Tashema)
$78 will be online price due to the fees charged to us by PayPal.
Quarterly meeting this Saturday at the Trinity heights church 3pm.
Build storage unit structure on basketball court and charge residents for additional storage options.

Fencing getting picked up today according to vendor.
PayPal is fixed! Official launch at quarterly meeting.

Start 3:10pm

Long construction dumpster coming
Follow with Shannon on two remaining units needing fencing (already paid for)

PayPal is now working. Look for the payment information to be posted on Facebook. The webmaster will update the website payment tab as soon as she is able (finals this week). The PayPal payment will be $78 to cover the fees we are charged. If you continue to mail a check/money order the fee will be $75.

Getting quote to repaint the units.

Replace/paint/repair caps on fire walls that separate units.
Request owners submit list of items they would like to see fixed so we can triage.

Finances review:
Old account : $166.02 (water and electricity)
Main account: $36,277.92
Landscaping: $9,744
Professional fees : $900
Property taxes : $212
Insurance : $2,188.32
Repairs and improvements : $5,625
This is highlights. Additional info with documents attached.

Carry forward:
Get quotes car ports needing repaired

Meeting ended 3:55pm

Start: 3:30pm

Quorum failed.

HOA Quarterly Meeting
Start: 3:00PM


Still waiting on fence repair. Vendor Supplier is discussing the delay.

Discussed new management company and their role. What they can do and what they cannot do.

New comapny basically handles financials and assists with collections and vendor management.

Make sure you register up with the new website! You can make payments and open service tickets through the owner portal.

Send warnings for toys and resident property left in common areas. All these items will be purged when a vendor removes debris as part of a job.

Ammendments to by-laws are being filed with the state. Reach out to management to inquire about feasibility of using small claims court to recoup accounts owed by residents less than $500.

Explore proactively tearing down exterior fence to neighboring property. (Do we have to have a perimeter fence?)

Review paperwork and check for spikes to verify property line. Check at court house also a possiblity.

We value your opinion! Please be active. If you don't actively participate, you will have no input on decisions that will possibly affect you. Any owner may be on the board. You do NOT have to live on the property.

Remove Chris from liasion role with management company.

Escalate service request tickets to board group chat so vendors can be schedules and owners contacted.

Meeting end: 4:15pm.

HOA Quarterly Meeting
Start: 3:00PM


Foreclosures are approved

Disclosed financials 26k and change in bank.

Discussed cleaning units. Cost prohibitive.

Wall fell, owner reached out to fix. Combine with pool fence repair.

Discussed pool repair. Should be made a priority. Get quotes for demolition of restrooms and shower building.

Toys out of common areas when not being used. We can issue tickets but we do not want to.

Reminded attendees of elections in January.

Meeting end: 4:15pm.